The National Cluster Conference- planning was the reason for the BCA to initiate a working meeting with Bulgarian Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Promotion Agency.
The executive director of BSMEPA – Dr. Boyko Takov and the President of the Business Clusters Association – Ms. Genoveva Hristova discussed the possibility of support from the Agency for organizing the national event, planned for 2019.
The big success of the conference in 2018 (which BSMEPA also supported) and the hosting of the first European TCI Network conference earlier this year has made a significant contribution for successful presentation of Bulgarian clusters worldwide, as well as creation of many business contacts and partner relationships.
BSMEPA and BCA united both sides’ intentions and willingness of continue working together in order to increase the accumulated positives of the past events as a prerequisite for a successful implementation in the National Cluster Conference 2019.
The activeness of BCA for cluster development in the country provides a good example of how to be competitive in a foreign market as well as outlining Bulgarian clusters as a leader in the region.
Dr. Boyko Takov appreciated the activity of the Association and expressed a readiness of the Agency’s side to analyze its ability of contributing a realization of the forthcoming conference, which is essential for promotion and support of Bulgarian companies and representatives of the business in the country.